DC Speaks

DC Speaks

It is imperative for survival and growth to align one’s business in a manner which is not overtly reliant on one stream of either B to B or B to C, fortunately through this philosophy have avoided the boom and busts cycle as witnessed within European design studios.

For one to succeed in building a strong edifice, think long term, this aspect ensures money chases you, not vice versa. obsessive passion, intensity and not necessarily adhering to work life balance are other factors for one to succeed hugely.

Put your back to the wall and your survival instincts take over for winning

Be paranoid, it begets you humility and insecurity which helps you being endeared to people around you

It is indeed fulfilling to know that my obsessive passion and perseverance has led to creating a market for our services where none existed, many marketing pundits have commented this aspect of greater importance than my creativity.

Each day is a new exciting one, with a new customer, new product , new design ,newer materials, it’s like being on a high each moment.

My work has been governed by one truth ; build drop dead gorgeous products and the world will come to your door.